Monday, February 6, 2012

Motivation Monday-February

National Genealogical Society Home Study Course-

The last few months have been fairly slow genealogy-wise.  I'm still waiting on my gr grandfathers military records from the VA to arrive so I have not ordered the third disc of the NGS  homestudy course yet.  Unfortunately, from what I have heard it can take anywhere up to a year to get a reply and so far he is the only ancestor I enough to write a biographical sketch about.  I plan on ordering the third disc this month and get the other assignments finished and turned in while continue to work on other prospects for the sketch in case I don't get much from the VA.

Professional Genealogy Study Group 15-

I am beginning the ProGen 15 course this month, which will occupy my time for the next 18 months.  This has put me back into the genealogy frame of mind.  Along with Professional Genealogy I'll keep up with various periodicals, blog posts and training webinars that I have let slip for the last few months.


I have finished scanning my grandmothers photo collection and letters and now need to organize, label and tag them. Next I need to go through her scrapbooks and albums and see what I can do with those and what may be hidden in the pages.


I need to register for the NGS 2012 Family History Conference in May and should be able get that done this week.   

Non Genealogy Goal:

I need to get on my bicycle again.  My last 20 mile ride felt more like an 80 mile ride. If I want to do the MS150 again, I definitely need to do better. 

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